Preparing for Music Concerts and Festivals: Live Fearlessly

This year I have promised myself to stop being the granny I am fighting myself to be and start getting out more. I really want to be more social and start going to more events, especially concerts. I have only been two concerts in my life Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience world tour and Drake’s Club […]

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Five shows to binge watch this season

January is a tight month, waiting almost up to six weeks for the next payday and also trying to avoid going outside in fear of spending money and then frankly dealing with this not so good weather just doesn’t sound appealing. So just picture yourself being slumped on the couch in front of a 4KTV […]

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Case Company: City Marble Review *

case company city marble phone case review

There are so many case companies that sell amazing and wonderful cases that suit so many of our styles. But have you ever wanted to create your own personalised phone case? Well then you need to head over to the Case Company. CaseCompany offers you the possibility to customise your smartphone cases with various logos […]

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I like Christmas, but I never got super excited about it the more I got older. You just kind of lose that festive spark after a while, or at least in my case I did. Now I’m a mum, my love for Christmas has come back again, thanks to my son. I get so excited […]

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Spectrum 8 Piece Eye Blending Set: Review


I’m a makeup junkie, there’s no hiding or denying that fact. But one thing I lack in the beauty department is makeup brushes/set. I have been so dedicated to my Real Techniques brushes and my beauty blender for the longest time that no other brushes were getting a look in. Until I saw the Spectrum Brushes! […]

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The Bloggers Summers Hangout

One of the great things about blogging is being able to go to events. Not only do you get to socialise and interact with fantastic old and new brands, but you also get to mingle with other bloggers that you have only spoken to online but new ones that you have just met and gel […]

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June Favourites

Holy Moly! Where the heck has time gone, this year is truly flying by and although I’m pushing my luck I’m pretty sure I can smell my Mums infamous Christmas dinner! Anyway lets forget about later in the years festive and talk about my festive June Favourites. Its a nice mix up this month as […]

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Preparing for a Road Trip

Summer has arrived (supposedly), and its around this time when we all like to go on road trips with family or friends. I love going on road trips as I find it a good way to bond with loved ones and just have so much fun on the open road. There has been so many […]

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Happy Weekend!

Yaaaaaaay its finally Friday once again! What a week I have had. I am so glad i have internet back in my home, so I can resume doing one of the things I love the most… Blogging. This weekend me and the hubster are planning on taking baby Splod to Kidspace. Kidspace is a children […]

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Bean Burst: Peppermint Blend*

I love coffee, check out my first ever post here, I am not lying. I literally can not start off my day without one. So when I saw the hype of coffee grounds being used as the new holy grail skin product for many bloggers, YouTubers and Instagrammers I knew I had to get my hands […]

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