Now just a quick disclosure, I am not rocking with 100,000 followers or even 50,000… heck I’m not even on 5000… BUT, from around November 2016, I started taking my Instagram seriously and have gone from 400 followers to 1850 followers (as I type this). Personally for me I find it very impressive, and because […]
In 2017 body shaming is a bigger issue than it ever was. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Memes have all included conversation, visual images and videos degrading how men and women look. It has become the norm to actually mock the way someone looks. Body shaming is described as an action or practice of humiliating a […]
Last week I received a letter from my doctor about booking a smear test. Now known as Cervical Screening, is done every 3 years and I had my first one when I just turned 25, so I was due another examination. Just like the first time I received my letter, I didn’t bat an eyelid […]
Your looking at the title and thinking… ‘So there was really nothing else to blog about Laura, No?’ I’m sorry but it’s just something that has been going through my mind for a few days and being the humorous clown I am, I thought I would share it with you lovely understanding beauties!! Now I […]
Hi Guys, so for my first ever post (yay) I thought what better way for any reader who stumbles across my page to get to know me better by doing a 50 facts about me blog. Lets get into it! I’m 5ft6 I wear size 7 shoes I can put my ears into […]